
Auditing & Assurance Services

Medical audit is an increasingly vital component within A-level hospitals, mitigating the risk of insurance company deductions. The role of medical auditors encompasses several critical functions

Collaboration for Error Avoidance

Working with approval officers, patient accounts, and medical departments to proactively prevent errors, enhancing outcomes and reducing the likelihood of deductions

Medical Invoice Review

Methodically review invoices from a medical perspective before submission to insurance companies to ensure accuracy and compliance

Reconciliation with Insurance Companies

Conduct thorough reconciliation with insurance companies to maximize resubmissions and minimize deducted amounts

At AMS Medical, our proficient quality staff oversees auditing and case management. These dedicated professionals hold certifications as healthcare quality experts (CPHQ) from the esteemed National Association for Healthcare Quality in the United States of America, ensuring that our auditing and assurance services adhere to the highest industry standards